Portion 128 of Farm 202, Hansmoeskraal, George

HilLand Environmental, have been appointed by the applicant and landowner of Portion 128 of Farm 202, Mr Leon Egen, as Independent Environmental Assessment Practitioners (EAPs), to facilitate a Section 24G application process in terms of the National Environmental Management Act, 1998 (Act No. 107 of 1998) and the amended (April 2017) Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations, 2014.

Alien clearing was undertaken by hand with chainsaws and then the owner unknowingly made use of a TLB to move the material into piles for stack burning in order to reduce the fuel load.

A pre-compliance notice was issued by DEADP law enforcement for the clearing of more than 1ha of vegetation on the property which constituted a listed activity in terms of NEMA.

A rehabilitation plan was submitted to DEADP for consideration, however, after discussion with DEADP and the lack of a definitive consensus as to how much land had been physically disturbed by the TLB and whether the NEMA thresholds had been triggered or not, it was agreed that an application in terms of Section 24G to rectify and retain the historic agricultural use lands would be the best way forward.   The track into the forest valley that had been started was agreed would be rehabilitated and not retained.

The following long-term management is proposed for the property:

  •  Continued agricultural management – 1.2ha area of pastures, vegetables, fruit trees and gardens
  • Thicket natural area including the rehabilitation area of track – 2m x 20m rehabilitation in progress – alien clearing as required in terms of the ACP in the natural forest where necessary.
  • Farm infrastructure – workers quarters, storage area (existing chicken coupe that was on the neighbour’s side of the incorrect boundary fence), primary home, pond for farm animals and driveways.

DEADP: Rectification has indicated that they are happy with the process undertaken to thus far and that a Section 24O notice can be provided. As such, to give effect to Section 24O(2) and (3) of the National Environmental Management Act, 1998 (Act 107 of 1998) (“NEMA”), (as amended), you are hereby advised that you have a final 30 days from today, the 7th of March 2024 to comment on the aforementioned application. The commenting period is from the 7th of March – 09 April 2024. 

If you are struggling with opening any of the documents/require us to upload the documents to a different portal and / or if you require any further information or assistance, please contact us on (044) 889 0229 (Tel) 086 542 5248 (fax) or Email: admin@hilland.co.za.



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