OSCAE Application for Erf 634, 1st Avenue, Wilderness
HilLand Environmental, independent Environmental Assessment Practitioners (EAPs), have been appointed by the applicant, Mr Grafton and Mrs Charisse Houston (owners), to ensure compliance in terms of Section 21 of the Environmental Conservation Act for the disturbance, removal or pruning of vegetation and earthworks required for the building of a primary dwelling and associated infrastructure on Erf 634, First Avenue, Wilderness.
The following application will undergo a 30-day commenting period 15th of December 2020 – 4th of February 2021. Please provide us with your comments and / or concerns relating to the proposed during the time frame, in written format via email or fax.
If you require any further information or assistance, please contact us on (044) 889 0229 (Tel), 086 542 5248 (Fax) or Email: environmental2@hilland.co.za / admin@hilland.co.za.
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