Proposed Upgrade to the MR344 between Hartenbos and Groot Brak River

HilLand Environmental, independent Environmental Assessment Practitioners (EAP), have been appointed by the Applicant, Western Cape Government Road Management Network, to ensure compliance with the regulations contained in the National Environmental Management Act (NEMA, No 107 of 1998) and Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations 2014 for the proposed upgrade of the Main Road (MR) 344 from Hartenbos to Groot Brak.


The Western Cape Government wish to carry out upgrades, maintenance and repair works on the MR344 between the towns of Hartenbos and Groot Brak.  The works will entail minor road widening, expansion of intersections, creation of a concrete lined storm water channel and the expansion of an existing box culvert to increase its footprint and functionality.


Large sections of the work which is included within this contract is to fall within the specified exclusions found within Listing Notices (R. 983 and R.985) regulations as the majority of the work is to occur within either urban areas or within the road reserve.  Thus only specific sections will require environmental authorisation in terms of NEMA 2014 with the majority of the work to be undertaken under an Environmental Management Plan.


The activities that specifically require authorisation are the clearance of indigenous vegetation which has been mapped as Endangered Grootbrak Dune Strandveld which is to occur during the minor road widening and the creation of the storm water channel and expansion of the existing culvert.


All registered stakeholders / I&APs are invited to comment on the Basic Assessment Report (BAR) now available.  All comments are to be submitted in writing within the 30 day commenting period, 2 August 2017 – 1 September 2017.


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MOS17.930.03 BAR and Executive Summary

Appendix F, Annexure 7 Notification of BAR

Appendix A Fig 1 Locality

Appendix A Locality

Appendix B Detail of Culvert

Appendix B Detail of Storm Water Channel

Appendix B ROAD-LAYOUT – km1-6-13491-E-02

Appendix B ROAD-LAYOUT – km1-6-13491-E-03

Appendix B ROAD-LAYOUT – km7-12-13491-E-04

Appendix B ROAD-LAYOUT – km7-12-13491-E-05

Appendix D Fig 2a NBA

Appendix D Fig 2b NBA

Appendix D Fig 2c NBA

Appendix D Fig 2d NBA

Appendix D Fig 3a CBA

Appendix D Fig 3b CBA

Appendix D Fig 3c CBA

Appendix D Fig 3d CBA

Appendix D Fig 4 NFEPA

Appendix F, Annexure 1 034-pb-MBM – farm 305

Appendix F, Annexure 1 035-pb-seegers-impact on properties

Appendix F, Annexure 1 13491-IOP- 305

Appendix F, Annexure 1 13491-IOP-HS1

Appendix F, Annexure 1 13491-IOP-HS2

Appendix F, Annexure 1 13491-IOP-HS2

Appendix F, Annexure 1 13491-IOP-HS3

Appendix F, Annexure 1 Notification of Property Owners

Appendix F, Annexure 1 Notification of Property Owners (2)

Appendix F, Annexure 2 Legal Advertisement

Appendix F, Annexure 3 Figure 5 Location of Site Notifications

Appendix F, Annexure 3 Site Notices

Appendix F, Annexure 4 List of Registered I&APs

Appendix F, Annexure 5 Meeting Minutes 24 November 2016

Appendix F, Annexure 5 Registration of AC Small

Appendix F, Annexure 5 Registration of Brigit Maritz

Appendix F, Annexure 5 Registration of Eden Country Inn

Appendix F, Annexure 5 Registration of Ivan Wolhuter

Appendix F, Annexure 5 Registration of John Roberston

Appendix F, Annexure 5 Registration of Klasie Lategan

Appendix F, Annexure 5 Signed Attendance Register

Appendix F, Annexure 5 Riverside Community Forum Objection to Storm Water Channel

Appendix F, Annexure 6 DEADP Correspondence

Appendix H MOS17.930.06 CEMP

Appendix H EMPr Annexures

Appendix H Proposed Method Statement

Appendix J Convention for Assigning Significance Ratings to Impacts

Appendix J Kleinbrak Estuary Management Plan