Portion 46 of Farm 216, Uitzicht, Knysna
Commenting period: 11 June – 12 July 2021
HilLand Environmental have been appointed as the Environmental Assessment Practitioners (EAP) by the applicant, Cycle Port (Pty) Ltd, represented by Mr Johan Labuschagne, to ensure compliance with regulations contained in the National Environmental Management Act (NEMA Act No. 107 of 1998) and the Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations (2014), as amended, for the proposed construction of a primary dwelling, associated infrastructure, access driveway and garden on Portion 46 of Farm 216, Uitzicht, Knysna.
The project falls within the Knysna National Lakes Area (SAPAD PA Data) and as such the Competent Authority in terms of NEMA is the National Department of Environmental Affairs – Department of Forestry, Fisheries and Environment (DFFE).
The proposal entails the construction of a primary dwelling, associated infrastructure (sewage, electrical and a municipal water connection). The water pipeline will be laid by hand and will follow the route of least disturbance (dictated by the vegetation) up to the dwelling footprint. The access driveway (less than 4m in width) will be paved, providing access to the dwelling off State President C R Swart Road (west). Parking will be created within eh disturbance footprint west of the dwelling. Post-construction: natural garden areas will surround the dwelling (to be located within the disturbance areas). Fencing may only surround the house and garden area if required.
As the proposed disturbance areas will require the clearance of more than 300 m2 of critically endangered Knysna Sand Fynbos, environmental authorisation is required in terms of NEMA. The impact and property have been assessed by a botanical specialist who has confirmed that the site selected has been previously disturbed and consists of primary fynbos vegetation. Preliminary comments from SANParks support the proposal and a resolution consenting to the declaration of the property as a National Park in terms of section 20(1) of the National Environmental Management: Protected Areas Act 57 of 2003 has already been signed by the landowner.
The Draft Basic Assessment Report (BAR) and associated appendices will be available for a 30-day commenting period commencing on the 11th of June 2021. Please provide us with your comments / concerns relating to the proposal during the timeframe (11 June 2021 – 12 July 2021) in written format via fax or email. Please note that you need to declare your interest in the above matter and that the information will form part of the public record in terms of POPIA.
Please note if you do not have access to e-mail, internet and / or are experiencing any problems with downloading information, please do not hesitate to contact this office and we will assist you according to your needs/requirements. Additionally, a full hard copy of the checklist and associate appendices are available at HilLand Environmental’s office. Should you wish to view this document, please make sure to make an appointment with the administrative department at admin@hilland.co.za or Tel: (044) 889 0229. All of the necessary Covid-19 hygiene protocols and social distancing will be implemented during such a visit.
If you require any further information or assistance, please contact us on (044) 889 0229 (Tel) 086 542 5248 (fax) or Email: environmental2@hilland.co.za / admin@hilland.co.za.
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Draft Basic Assessment Report (BAR)
Appendix A – Locality Map Portion 46 of Farm 216, Uitzicht, Knysna
Appendix B – Architectural Site Development Plan
Appendix B – Figure 1a – Site Development Plan
Appendix B – Figure 1a – Site Development Plan (zoomed)
Appendix C – Photographic Record of the property and footprint area
Appendix D – Figure 2 – CBA, ESA and PA map
Appendix D – Figure 3a – NBA Original Extent 2018
Appendix D – Figure 3b – NBA Remaining Extent 2018
Appendix D – Figure 3c – NBA Original Extent 2011
Appendix D – Figure 3d – NBA Remaining Extent 2011
Appendix D – Figure 4 – NFEPA and Non- Perennial
Appendix F – 1. Public Participation Report
Appendix F – Annexure A – Notification of Neighbouring Landowners
Appendix F – Annexure A – Neighbouring Notification Letter
Appendix F – Annexure B – Legal Advert and Site Notice
Appendix F – Annexure C – List of Registered I&APs
Appendix F – Annexure D – Preliminary Comments
Appendix F – Annexure E – Notification of Draft BAR to I&APs
Appendix F – Annexure E – Notification Letter
Appendix G – Botanical Specialist Report (Hoare, 2020)
Appendix H – Environmental Management Programme EMPr V1
Appendix H – Annexures of the EMPr