Proposed Residential Development – Springfield Estate – on Portion 53 of the Farm No. 195, Kraaibosch  

(23 May 2023 – 23 June 2023)

HilLand Environmental, independent Environmental Assessment Practitioners (EAPs), have been appointed by the Applicant, Springfield Estates (Pty) Ltd represented by Mr José Rodrigues, to ensure compliance with the National Environmental Management Act (NEMA, No. 107 of 1998) and the Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations, 2014 (as amended) for the change in the site plan for the residential development on Portion 53 of Farm 195, George.

The process and reports consists of two parts –

  1. The amendment of the environmental authorisation which is a Part 2 EA amendment due to the change in scope old SDP to be replaced with new SDP with a higher density and change in design (note that phase 1 remains the same as approved); and

  1. The Basic assessment for the 7 300 m2 (0.73ha) portion which would have been zoned as Private Open Space (zoning in the previously approved development layout) and which DEADP deem to be “equivalently zoned” and as such change to this zoning triggers listed activities in terms of NEMA.

As the two administrative applications are integral parts of a larger whole, the reports are combined so as to make reading and understanding possible and to not result in stakeholder fatigue in getting two sets of reports to wade through and comment on.  DEA&DP will process the two applications individually and their decision(s) (EA) will reflect the total Springfield Estate as they apply to each other.

The final reports have been submitted to DEADP for their decision-making purposes and the Environmental Authorisation (EA) is pending. 

If you require any further information or assistance, please contact us on (044) 889 0229 (Tel) 086 542 5248 (fax) or Email:  /


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