Outeniqua WWTW – Section 24G Application
HilLand Environmental, have been appointed by the applicant and landowner of the remainder of erf 325, George Municipality, as Independent Environmental Assessment Practitioners (EAPs), to facilitate a Section 24G application process in terms of the National Environmental Management Act, 1998 (Act No. 107 of 1998) and the amended Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations, 2014.
A rectification process will be undertaken for works already undertaken as part of the erosion repairs, works to be completed and rehabilitation at the stormwater outlet at the Outeniqua Waste Water Treatment Works (WWTW), George.
The Municipal stormwater from the OWWTW was released towards the south of the facility through a storm water headwall structure. The released stormwater from the structure then ran in a southerly direction towards the Schaapkop River (overland). The stormwater discharge resulted in the formation of a large erosion gulley over the course of 6 or more years (signs of erosion are evident on the 2017 aerial imagery).
As with typical headward erosion, the erosion donga has migrated upslope to the point where it crossed the boundary fence of the WWTW facility and posed an immediate threat to the WWTW infrastructure. The excessively large erosion gully/donga beyond the fence lead all the way into the Schaapkop River – an elevation difference of 28m (approximately 182m to 154m at the river). The gully was 15-20m wide and extended 80m down slope towards the river.
The proposal was to rehabilitate the erosion gully and construct a formal stormwater structure for the controlled release of stormwater from the facility. Works commenced in April 2023 and subsequently triggered listed activities in terms of NEMA without environmental authorisation.
The Section 24G application and associated appendices will undergo a 30-day commenting period commencing on the 2 May 2024. You are advised that you have 30-days from the 2 May 2024 to submit any comments via email – admin@hilland.co.za (commenting period: 2 May – 4 June 2024).
In order to ensure that you are registered as an Interested and Affected Party (I&AP), please send us your details, motivation of participation and any comments / concerns to HilLand Environmental (admin@hilland.co.za). Please note only registered parties will continue to be updated on the EIA process.
Please note that you need to declare your interest in the above matter and that the information will form part of the public record in terms of POPIA.
(To download images, please select the link to open, then right click and select “Save As”)
01. GEO24.1251.10 – Application 24G WWTW Donga
Appendix D – Outeniqua Donga Site Photos 2024 03 11
Appendix E – Biodiversity Maps
Appendix F – George Mun DEADP Compliance Notice response final 2024 03 18 signed JK
Appendix F – L1342_CN_PS_Final_
Appendix F – L1342_PCN NEMA_Final_
Appendix F – L1342_Site_Attendance_Register
Appendix H – OuteniquaWWTW_FreshwaterAssessment_Final_27August
Appendix I – GEO23.1251.07 WWTW rehabilitation assessment and plan
Appendix I – GEO24.1251.08 – Method Statement
Appendix I – GEO24.1251.09 – method statment temp works