Maintenance Management Plan (MMP)/ Instandhoudingbestuursplan, Leeu Gamka

HilLand Environmental, independent Environmental Assessment Practitioners (EAP) have been appointed by Prins Albert Municipality to compile a Maintenance Managament Plan (MMP) for the installation of gabion protection for the full length of the stormwater channel, to protect private and municipal properties from future damage and ongoing maintenance thereof.

The Maintenance Management Plan (MMP) and associated appendices can be downloaded below. Written inputs to reach us within the 30-day comment period (15 January 2024 – 14 February 2024).

Only registered I&AP’s will receive further notifications of the process.

In order to ensure that you are registered as an Interested and Affected Party (I&AP) and receive notification and information regarding the process, please send your details, motivation for participation and any comments in written format via email to HilLand Environmental (


HilLand Environmental omgewingskonsultante is aangestel deur die Prins Albert Munisipaliteit om ‘n instandhoudingbestuursplan op te stel vir die onderhoud van die stormwaterkanale in Leeu Gamka.

Gabion matrasse gaan die volle lengte van die stormwaterkanaal geїstalleer word volgens die plan en onderhoud gaan gedoen word in terme van die instandhoudingsbestuurplan.

Potensiële belanghebende & geaffekteerde partye word hiermee uitgenooi om kommentaar te lewer op die instandhoudingbestuursplan vir die Leeu Gamka stormwaterkanaal wat hieronder afgelaai kan word. Kommentaar moet binne die tydperk: 15 Januarie 2024 – 14 Februarie 2024 ingedien word by HilLand Environmental. 

Slegs geregistreerde potensiële belanghebende & geaffekteerde partye sal verder inligting ontvang rakende die proses. Om te registreer, stuur asb. jou kontakbesonderhede, rede vir registrasie en enige kommentaar via epos aan HilLand Environmental ( 




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