OSCAE Erf 2158 – Constantia Kloof

(4 December 2023 to 24 January 2024)

HilLand Environmental, independent Environmental Assessment Practitioners (EAPs) have been appointed by the applicant, Mr W. Lloyd (owner), to ensure compliance in terms of Section 21 of the Environmental Conservation Act (OSCAE Regulations) for the proposed primary dwelling and associated infrastructure on Erf 2158, Constantia Kloof, Wilderness (hereafter referred to as ‘the property’). You have been identified as a neighbouring property to Erf 2158.

The OSCAE Environmental report and associated appendices are availability of the  for a 30-day commenting period (04 December 2023 to 24 January 2024 -excluding the period between 15 December and 5 January).

You are hereby advised that you have 30-days from the 4th of December 2023 to submit any comments on the OSCAE environmental report. Please provide us with your comments relating to the proposal during the timeframes in written format via email.

Please note that you need to declare your interest in the above matter and that the information will form part of the public record in terms of POPIA.  


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