Maintenance Management Plan (MMP): Project 28(4) MDRG

HilLand Environmental, independent Environmental Assessment Practitioners (EAP) have been appointed by the Applicant, George Municipality, to ensure compliance with the regulations contained in the National Environmental Management Act (NEMA, No 107 of 1998, as amended) and the Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations, 2014 (as amended) for the maintenance of Municipal service infrastructure in Loerie Park, Bergsig, Denneoord, Denver Park, Eden, George Municipal area (Project 28(4) MDRG). 

The proposal entails the maintenance and rehabilitation of existing flood damage repair of stormwater infrastructure in Loerie Park, Bergsig, Denneoord, Denver Park, Eden, George Municipal area – Project 28(4)

The MMP and associated appendices for maintenance to be undertaken for a 21-day comment period (6 May 2024 – 27 May 2024). Clearly specify that you are commenting on the MMP. 


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