Proposed Residential Development Kraaibosch Portion 62 of Farm 195, George

HilLand Environmental, independent Environmental Consultants, were appointed by the Applicant, Keith Lewer Allen Trust to ensure compliance with the regulations contained in the National Environmental Management Act (No. 107 of 1998) and the Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations for the proposed residential development on Portion 62 of Farm 195 Kraaibosch, George. A residential development is proposed for the property in accordance with the Kraaibosch Local Structure Plan consisting of:

  • Proposed Internal Roads
  • 112 ± 1 000m2 sized residential zone 1 erven
  • 55 ± 500m2 sized residential zone 1 erven
  • Open Space structures (Gate and Club Houses as indicated on development plan)
  • Privately managed Open Space Areas which are to be rehabilitated to natural indigenous vegetation
  • Internal infrastructure (water, sanitation and electricity) as required for the proposed residential development.

This constitutes an area of approximately 19,91ha that is to be transformed for the proposed residential development. The Pre-Application Basic Assessment Report will be available for comment from the 14th of February 2018.  The period for your comments on the Pre-Application BAR closes within 30 days from its availability (14 February 2018 – 16 March 2018).  Please note that you need to declare your interest in the above matter. Please provide us with your comments/concerns relating to the proposed activity during this time frame in written format via post, email or fax.


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